Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Mommy's Little Pumpkin
We had an extended Halloween holiday. It started on Thursday night for us. We went to the church's trunk or treat. We decorated my trunk with a UGA theme! :) Gage wore his pumpkin outfit with a pumpkin hat. And if I must say so myself, he looked ADORABLE!! I have included a couple of pictures of that outfit. Then on Saturday, we went to Dublin's Downtown Spooktacular. There wasn't as much going on as we hoped, but we were able to see friends and it allowed us to get out of this house for a little bit, which is always nice for Gage and I. He wore the same pumpkin outfit to that as well. Sunday night was our fun night. We had a costume party that night at youth. I had been scrounging for ideas for a while that were fun and cheap. The key word being CHEAP.  I came across a kid's costume online of him being a crayon. It looked super easy to make. All that you used was a pillow case, black fabric paint, and construction paper.
Pumpkin booty
Daddy and Gage at trunk or treat
 So I decided we would be crayons! Choosing the colors was the fun part. We decided to be practical with the colors. Aaron would be blue and I would be pink. And what do those two colors mixed together make??? PURPLE!! So of course, Gage was purple. I made them Saturday night and they turned out great. I was so proud of my very first homemade costumes for our family. Aaron and I are already trying to get a head start on next year's Halloween costumes since Gage will be running around and able to have fun with it.

The crayon family!

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